- let $u$ be the utility ( benefit ) of responding to a notification,
- let $c$ be the cost of verifying whether a notification is real or imagined
- let $\Pr(\mathrm{present})$ be the probability that a notification is really there
[0] $\mathbb E(u) = u \cdot \Pr(\mathrm{present})$
[1] Check notification if and only if : $u \cdot \Pr(\mathrm{present}) > c$
How does one know $\Pr(\mathrm{present})$ given some unreliable observation $\theta$ in peripheral vision, that is $\Pr(\mathrm{present}|\theta)$ ? This can be computed using Bayes' theorem : [2]
[2] $\Pr(\mathrm{present}|\theta)=\Pr(\theta|\mathrm{present})\cdot\Pr(\mathrm{present})/\Pr(\theta)$
So, $\Pr(\mathrm{present}|\theta)$ is the probability of observing $\theta$ when the notification is really there, $\Pr(\theta)$ is the probability of observing $\theta$ overall, and $\Pr(\mathrm{present})$ is the background probability of the notification being present. Plugging in expression [2] for $\Pr(\mathrm{present}|\theta)$ into equation [1] :
[3] check if and only if : $u \cdot \Pr(\theta|\mathrm{present}) \cdot \Pr(\mathrm{present}) / \Pr(\theta) > c$
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